I am very very excited about the upcoming MotherWit Birth Doula Intensive in July. I am just so thankful to Sue Appleton from New Brunswick who was really straight up: “I want to train with you. I live in New Brunswick, and you in Montreal. My granny has a big place in the Laurentians we can use for an intensive. If I can provide a space, will you do it?”

The MotherWit Birth Doula Training has really flowered into something I didn’t expect, and comes from a deeply intentional soul place. It’s more personal than any teaching I’ve done, and we’ll look a lot not just at what our clients bring of themselves to birth, but what we personally bring as birth attendants.

I’m in the throes of a feverish creativity that’s hit me this year. It has been lying dormant, perhaps waiting until my youngest weaned, and is now here with a vengeance. I am writing like crazy, developing different trainings and ideas for more trainings, as well as tending to my MotherWit Doula Care business, which is also a reflection of the way I have been wanting to work for a long time. This seems to be the year for bringing what’s on the inside, out. I am setting the structures, planting the seeds, and tending to them. May spring and summer culminate into a beautiful garden!

I decided to stop doing what my husband calls “waiting for a harmonic convergence”…meaning trying to find a perfect time and combination of circumstances and people, for everything to be “ideal”, BEFORE starting to manifest the vision of how I want to work. I’ve learned that digging my heels just leaves me behind, caught up in a quest for perfection that’s not going to happen anyway. I decided to trust that the opportunities and requests arising are little nudges to use my creative powers to make new, fun, and interesting things happen. Change can be scary and uncomfortable. But I have good support.

I am very excited about the incredible women who seem to be drawn to July’s intensive. I have had the privilege to communicate with some truly bright, open, sensitive, committed people, and I think we’re going to create a powerful circle within which to learn. I received an email yesterday from a woman I met while teaching the “labour and delivery” segment of her childbirth education class awhile back. She told me that class had inspired her to pursue doula training, and was planning to travel to Ontario to do it. She fell upon the information for my training by fluke, and asked for an application. Sometimes these things happen through acts of synchronicity, and they just feel right.

You can request applications from info@motherwit.ca. We would love to have you on board. Things are moving forward quickly, so those who have applications, get ’em on in!