As the smell of gingerbread wafts from my kitchen, I wait for my younger daughter to arrive home from school so we can have our snack and a cup of hot chocolate. I have a little time to sit back and get really excited about our Meet the Doula Soiree tomorrow evening.

As a team, we MotherWitties are working out the presentation and flow of the meetings, and things are going along well. I hope to see many new faces come for information and support.

I am preparing the upcoming Birth Essentials Prenatal classes, and am SO excited about these. I love the idea of my colleagues tag teaming each other for teaching, so that all our clients get a chance to build more rapport with each of us. While we all make the vast majority of our births, I feel it so important to make sure clients are well connected with other members of the team, just in case we are not available for a birth.

I am also preparing the postpartum doula training coming up in spring, and am busy putting together a manual for the MotherWit Birth Doula Training. Also, the book is being slowly written, a few pages at a time.

It is a busy time, this hunkering down in preparation. How appropriate we are in the depths of winter, where ideas germinate until the riotous explosion of blossoming in the spring. This has been a year so rich in boundless creativity. It is time for the preparation to soon move into action. I am very much looking forward to getting away at the end of the month to my Women’s Teachings gathering in New York, where I know I will find the focus and spiritual support I need to put out my most authentic voice.

My daughter and her friend are home. The kettle is on and the gingerbread is ready. Have a wonderful afternoon.