MotherWit Postpartum Doula Training
MotherWit Doula Care is pleased to present a comprehensive training in holistic postpartum doula care.
In a culture that puts a lot of pressure on new mothers to live up to the mythical image of SuperMom, a MotherWit Postpartum Doula has the power to bring a sane, calm perspective. We believe in nurturing the new mother so all she has to do in the precious few weeks after birth is focus on her new baby/babies and her loved ones.
Full healing of everything a woman has gone through during the childbearing year requires some space and reflection. By providing opportunities for rest and proper physical and emotional nourishment, the MotherWit Postpartum Doula creates a special space within which a woman who has just given birth and her partner can heal and come into their own power as a mother and father.
We like to call this space the BabyMoon.
As a MotherWit Postpartum Doula Trainee, you will learn the following:
􀁺 good listening skills: new mothers need to share their birth stories and discuss the intense
emotions that becoming a mother brings up
􀁺 proper physical and emotional care of the postpartum mother, with focus on nutrition and safe,
natural remedies to soothe a variety of common complaints, such as breast engorgement,perineal discomfort, fatigue, etc.
􀁺 how to provide education about attachment style parenting, and give non judgmental support
for new parents’ choices
􀁺 basic baby care such as bathing, diapering, baby-wearing, swaddling, etc.
􀁺 how to provide basic breastfeeding support, and how to know when to call in a lactation consultant
􀁺 how to recognize signs of postpartum depression
􀁺 how to help with basic organization of a home with a new baby
􀁺 how to support a mother with multiples, and how to engage older children
….and much much more!
This training will either be a 4 day intensive.

$850.00 total -this is $700 for the 4 day training, plus $150 for your apprenticeship…all costs include
MotherWit Doula Care looks forward to offering this training in Spring

For more info please contact