I am so excited to be welcoming the new wave of doula students who will be embarking upon this journey with me on February 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th, and March 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th.
This is a bit of a new format. Our last training was in the beautiful hills of Morin Heights where we connected to Nature and lived/breathed/ate/slept Birth for six incredibly intense days and nights. This format suits those who cannot leave the city for that long, and who like to take things a little slower, having a month’s break to process learnings before moving on to studying how to hold the more challenging aspects of birth and hospital environment. I will still do intensives for any group of doulas who wish anywhere in the world, but the Montreal training will be a more leisurely format this year.
Apprenticeships are wrapping up from the last training…we have established regular case study/doula support nights, the students are well connected, providing support and guidance for each other, creating and nourishing the community of birth healers I have been wishing to see for years. Many are almost finished their training requirements and soon we will have more well prepared doulas out in the world who have been guided and mentored. This is the core of doula work: woman to woman support, birth attendants healing themselves, an ability for doulas to not only know how to help on a factual level, but to intuit, guide, and offer wisdom. I am so deeply proud of my trainees, as they slowly make their transition from apprentices to colleagues, adding their voices, their stories, and their skills to those of the many visionaries we need to bring this birth culture, which has spiraled outwards in its insanity, back to where it belongs…into the hands of the family….at its very root a transitional journey ripe with potential for healing. It is an honour to embrace these women as sisters.
I open my arms to all of you, new MotherWittie novices, and am so glad to have the opportunity to teach you some of the things I know. We are going to have fun, you are going to experience challenge, and you will find healing and growth. Thanks so much for joining us, and I’ll see you in a few days!