Hello New Parents and Parents-to-Be!

You are cordially invited to a gathering hosted by the MotherWit Doulas! Whether you are just trying to figure out whether or not doula care is right for you, want to show off your new babies, or reconnect with friends you made at our last Doula Soiree, you are most welcome!

Come to find out what it means to have a doula at your birth, share and hear birth stories, and have a cup of tea! Come to connect with your community, and find out what resources are available to you.

We look forward to seeing you on:

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009
The Green Centre
1090 Avenue Greene, Westmount
from 8 to 9:30pm

MotherWit, in the spirit of the holidays, would like us all to remember those less fortunate than we are. Montreal Birth Companions (www.montrealbirthcompanions.homestead.com) is an organization which provides volunteer doula services to women of need. These mothers to be are often refugees, with no family to support them. Montreal Birth Companions also provides training to women of many of Montreal’s diverse ethnic communities. Any way you can help this very important service continue would be most welcome. If you would like to make a monetary donation, we can provide receipts. Packs of diapers, new baby clothes items (warm things for this season), receiving blankets, etc. are also all welcome. We just ask that formula not be donated, as we believe breastfeeding promotes optimal health.

If you cannot make it to this meeting, know we will be back in January